The Martin Downs Planned Unit Development was created August 08, 1980, by Southern Realty Group, Inc. Control of the 3,800-home development was turned over to the Martin Downs Property Owners Association (MDPOA) May 01, 2000. The Planned Unit Development covers an area of approximately 2,600 acres and is home to approximately 10,000 residents within 23 individual residential associations. An integral part of the community is the three major shopping centers with banks, restaurants, gas stations, churches, medical facilities, specialty shops, general retail outlets, offices, and a supermarket. Many residents of Martin Downs have the convenience and comfort of having all these services and amenities within walking or biking distance of their homes.

The mission of Martin Downs Property Owners Association, Inc, is to preserve and enhance the property values and the quality of life of the property owners. Responsibilities and activities of MDPOA are funded through assessments paid by the residential and commercial property owners.

The affairs of
the Master Association are managed by a Board of Directors. Each of the 48 Members appoint one representative to sit on the Board. The Board
appoints an Executive Committee consisting of 7 members. This Committee
governs MDPOA and consists of 4 Officers and a representative from Meadows,
Monarch, West Villages, East Villages, Sunset Trace, and the Institutional
The day-to-day
operation of MDPOA is managed through the Executive Committee by an on-site

Representation for the residents:

When MDPOA was
organized, our Members were made up of representatives from the Associations
and Commercial/Institutional properties within much of Palm City.  Each
member is responsible for selecting a Representative of their choice to sit on
the Board of Directors.  Unfortunately, there appears to be a disconnect
or lack of communication between MDPOA, each association’s Representatives, and
their member residents.  MDPOA information is not always being shared by
the representatives.   To help each Representative and the
Associations they represent better inform their residents, MDPOA will begin
posting on this website the Minutes of our Meetings.  It is our intent
that this will help answer questions and better inform the residents of the
important services provided to the infrastructure within the Martin Downs
community.  In addition MDPOA will continue to encourage each Member
association board to provide their residents the information they learn when
sitting on MDPOA Committees and attending Board Meetings.

Why MDPOA cannot be dissolved:

The following is Martin Downs POA attorney’s analysis of why a sub association cannot withdraw from MDPOA.  Martin Downs is a development of regional impact which means it was approved and developed under the requirements of the State of Florida and Martin County.  In 1980, Southern Realty Group, Inc. (“SRG”), the developer of Martin Downs, entered into a Planned Unit Development Agreement with Martin County.  That agreement required SRG to create a master property owners association to have jurisdiction over the property.  This master association will have the duties and responsibilities set forth in the governing documents, primarily to maintain the Surface Water Management System, the common areas and to provide security services.All of the real property comprising Martin Downs was submitted to the jurisdiction of MDPOA by the original Declaration and the numerous amendments thereto.  The Declaration requires all property owners within the submitted properties to be Members of MDPOA or a member of a sub association within MDPOA.  All submitted properties are held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, restrictions, easements, reservations, assessments, charges, liens and other provisions set forth in the Declaration as amended.  These covenants and restrictions are binding on the property.  An owner cannot withdraw his or her property from the jurisdiction of MDPOA, any more than an owner can withdraw from the jurisdiction of Martin County or the State of Florida.There have been some suggestions to “dissolve” MDPOA.  This cannot be done.  Martin County required MDPOA to be formed (through the PUD agreement) and South Florida Water Management District required MDPOA to be formed and perpetually responsible for the maintenance of the Surface Water Management System throughout the properties.  For these reasons, MDPOA cannot be dissolved.